Bearing in mind that sustainability is the sure path to high-quality development, Sennics strives to reshape our core competitiveness for sustainability by raising CSR awareness, improving CSR management mechanism and processes, and strengthening CSR management and practices based on responsible operation. In 2021, we officially set up the Sustainability Committee and clearly defined sustainable development goals to systematically improve our capacities in ESG management, decision-making and fulfillment performance, thus further enhancing our core competitiveness and brand image for sustainable development.

Sennics' Sustainability Management System
The Sustainability Committee is chaired by CEO, and is comprised of COO and Vice President of Sennics. The Sustainability Task Force led by Vice President of Sennics was established under the Committee, and its members include leaders of relevant departments. There are seven working groups under the Sustainability Task Force, namely Health, Safety, Environmental Protection and Quality (HSEQ), Low-carbon Development, Innovative Development, Labor and Human Rights, Business Ethics, Sustainable Supply Chain, Brand Communication and Comprehensive Governance. They not only carry out responsible for dealing with specific sustainability matters of Sennics, but also review specific issues, sustainable development policies and progress against the related goals every year.